

Sunday, December 11, 2011

One year down...

Year Mark ...  December 5, 2011

 Dear Family and Friends,
So there was alot of things that happened this week. so first off, i have now been on my mission for over a year. It is crazy to think how fast it has flown by. So on the year mark The 3 of us elders that were in the MTC together all went out to chilis, it was really fun. i always love being with just them 2. Then also this week we had a culture night. so we got tickets to go to an operreta, whatever that meens. So we went there and the title was the Bat. So it wasnt bad. . . if you understood everything. They were singing in opera style and i couldnt understand it. it was boring at some parts but it was pretty good. Also this week we were able to set a baptismal date with a lady that was taught a long time ago but came back from a long trip in canada and we met with her and set a baptismal date for the 14th of january. So we are excited for that. Me and my comp are hoping we will stay together another transfer but he has been in the area for 6 transfers now. So we will see. everything else seems to be going good. Church has gone pretty well, i am in a smaller branch and we only have 2 hours of church. besides that not to much going on. I hope all of you are having a good week. i love you
Love Jordan

Thanksgiving (November 28, 2011)

Dear family and friends,
I hope everyone had a great thanks giving. I know i did. My district was able to go to presidents house and spend the day there. It was great we played a game or two and then we drew letters and we went around and had to say what we were thankful for that started with that letter. so my letter was H, so i said i was thankful for a home because we just got kicked out of ours. it made everyone laughed. We all had to bring something to eat also so my comp and i decided to make no bake cookies, well we didnt have tin foil so we decided to make a no bake cake. We also triple sized the batch and just put it in a pan. That thing weighed over 10 pounds. it was so heavy. i called it the brick when i brought it to presidents house.  Everything else this week has been a little slow. We have been calling people and trying to meet with people but they dont answer or just cant meet. I Did happen to find the old olympic swimming pool here in moscow. Its one metro stop away from where i live and i really wanted to go swimming. Hope everything for everyone is going good. i love you all.

Love Jordan

Thrown out...(November 21, 2011)

Hey Family and Friends,
This week was pretty crazy. so we had some good lessons and hoping some good things out of it. But we had to move out of our apartment this week and so we packed most of our stuff and moved it out we only had a few things left to pack and take to our new apartment. So we were heading back to our apartment after we had interveiws with president and come home and find most of our stuff out in the hall way. We open up the door and there is our land lady yelling at the office elders and then starts yelling at us. I think i got lucky that my head was hurting pretty bad so i didnt start talking back to her. she was way mad because she said we were suppose to be moved out but we werent when really we paid for the apartment till the end of the month. So it was a big mess and she started making us clean her dishes that we already cleaned and everything it was crazy. We finally got all our stuff and it was about 10:30 at night and then we had a lot of stuff to carry over a mile away. but luckly about 3 minutes after we started carrying everything we found a random shopping cart so we were able to put everything in there and push that to our new apartment. That was a big blessing just finding that cart to push everything. Now we are in our new apartment it is alot nicer and way more convenient for us. I hope everything is going great for all of you and that you all have a good thanks giving. i love you all and thank you for everything.
Love Jordan

It's Dine (November 13, 2011)

Hello Family and Friends,
Not to much exciting here happend this week we had some good meetings and i have been speaking alot more russian which i enjoy. We have this one girl that loves to come to english club and speak english. She isnt the best at it but she tries and she comes to family nights and everything. So before i came she was taught the 1st lesson so we met with her and wanted to teach her the 2nd lesson and she was weirded out that we wanted to have a meeting with her and she said she read stuff on the internet and i was like ok what did you read? and she brought up all the things that are possible to read bad about us. so i spent and hour trying to answer every one of her questions the best i could in russian. and she seemed like she was some what fine with what we had to say but then met with some other missionaries and i guess did the same thing and freaked out a little bit on them. Then she said she was going to come to church but she didnt come so we are a little bummed about it. So last week our english club was cancelled until further notice because a girl called president and said that one of the missionaries was trying to rape a girl at english club but actually they told a girl to go hide so they could have a meeting with her once this other girl left but the one girl flipped out and then some not nice things were said so they cancelled it for a while. it sucks but there is nothing we can do. Well that is about it for thiss week i hope all of you have a good week and a good thanksgiving. i love you all.

Love Jordan

Night in Kiev (November 7, 2011)

Dear Family and Friends,

So this week has been kind of crazy. so i got transfered on thursday and spent the night not in my apartment and then friday i met up with elder wininger and goddard becaus we had to stay at the office elders because we flew out saturday morning to go to kiev for our visa trip. So we were on the plane and were flying when they said that they couldnt land in kiev so they had to turn down to a city called donyetsk. so we flew down there and had to wait there for a few hours while they figured everything out. us three were so excited we thought we were going to get to stay in that city and go see a different city of ukraine. but then they flew us back to kiev. so we get to kiev and we were trying to make our flight back to moscow and the gates were closed when we got there so we had to go find another flight but they didnt have any that night. so we called our office elders and they found us a flight for sunday morning so we had to find a hotel. So we found a hotel and it was my first ever hotel rental ever and i didnt even have to be over 21. so we got our room and then went and got some food because we hadnt eaten all day. then we got on the plane sunday morning and tried to make it back to the first ever stake conference in the moscow stake. the took us to the office and we saw the last half of conference and all the area presidency was there and we hadnt saved in a few days so all of us had some facial hair and probably didnt look the cleanest for the area presidency. but it was fun. So tomorrow will be my first day in my new area and i am really excited for that. i got a new companion named elder whitimore he is from texas. i like him alot. well i hope you guys have a good week. i love you all

Love Jordan

клин  (October 31,  2011)

Family and friends, this week was a good week. So i went on a split with elder palmer and we went to a city and hour outside of the city we are in so we were 2 hours outside of moscow, its called kleen. It was really fun we went and spent the day there and we had a kid take us around and show us some sites and showed us around. Then he left and we decided to walk around and contact a little bit before we needed to go back and i had to go to the bathroom really bad, so palmer was like we could probably find some trees over that way so we started walking that way and we see a guy and he is moving a rock so palmer asks him if he needs help and he was like no what orginazation are you with? and we say the church and he asks us where we are from and we say america and he starts speeking to us in english and we got to know him a little bit and he gave us his number and invited us over when we go back there. it was way cool to find him because i just had to go to the bathroom. then earlier up there we were walking on the train tracks and they police saw us and came and told us to come over to them and and they say let us see your passport and documents. so i decided to play dumb and act like i know 0 russian and we just acted like idiots and they just got fed up with us and and told us to leave. it was way funny. We have transfers this week and i will be getting trasnfered. i am going to miss this area i love the ward. there are alot of cool people up here too. well i think that is about it for the week. it was a good week. i hope everything is good with you guys and hope you have a good week.

Love Jordan

MRI (October 24, 2011)

Hello Family and Friends, it wasnt to long ago since i wrote you but i got a story for you guys. so thursday there is a guy that is doing a remodle for a members apartment and we were able to go help him and then we asked him if we could come talk to him again some time and he was like sure. so we went over and talked to him on thursday and opened up to us alot. he wants to stop smoking but is addicted. But we talked a little about why we are here and asked him if he would be interested in listening and we can try to help him stop smoking. he said yeah call me anytime. so that was good we now have someone we can meet with and talk with.
Ok so everyone knows i have been having headaches and i have had them for about 3 weeks now. So they sad that i needed to get an MRI. so saturday i went in to get my MRI and it was an experience. so first the gave me a hospital dress. which i really wanted to keep i tried to take it after i used it but they wouldnt let me. But the laid me down on the bed and then got me situated then put like a Halo mask on me and lifted me up and slip me back in. but as they were sliding me back, turns out my shoulders were a little bit so i was packed into the MRI. I had no idea ho long i was going to be in there for but i was in there for over an hour and i couldnt move or do anything. But i found out that everything is good inside my head but we still dont know why i am having headaches. so i have more test this week. That is about it i guess. i hope all of you have a good week. i love you
Love Jordan

Change (October 19, 2011)
Family and Friends.
This week was a little crazy, we didnt really have very many meetings but we ended up doing alot of service. we are helping everyone get ready for the winter. So we piled wood and clean up around their place and fix things, it has been fun. We have been having alot of problem with our shower and our land lady calls us mad saying that we need to do something about it or not shower. I guess water leaks to the people underneath us. They should have fixed it when they redid our whole apartment. We had a mission conference yesterday and they decided to change our p-day, so i will be writing on mondays now. So next monday i will be on. they decided it would be better so that we work all week working towards sunday and getting people there on sundays. so we will see how it goes. Crazy things happen around our apartment this week. One night our phone didnt really work and we work at midnight because we heard what we thought were gun shots, but turns out they were fireworks, and then our phone said that we missed about 20 calls and after the fireworks we heard people racing in their cars close to our place and then some people yelling and screaming. kind of crazy things like that have been happening almost everynight. Well i hope all of you are having a good week. for some reason i am way excited for halloween, i just want to do something for it. have a good week i love you
Love Jordan

Conference (October 12, 2011)

Family and Friends,
Another week gone and as of yesterday we are back into our apartment! I havent slept on a real bed for over 2 weeks. The apartment looks alot better but is still pretty ghetto. So this last weekend we got to watch conference which was really good. the missionaries in my area all went to the branch building and watched it together, so it was pretty good. That took up alot of our time this weekend though. The girl who was just baptized told the sisters that all her friends want to come to church now. so that is awesome that through her maybe many more will be brought into the church. The rest of the week not much else happened i did go bargaining for some winter boots because i have walked right out of my shoes that i have been wearing but 10 months everyday all day, yeah i think i got some good use out of them. I got the boots for about 30 dollars off so that was good i only paid about 55 dollars, not bad when everyone wanted double that. I think that is about it for this week hope all of you are doing good. i love you all. 

Love Jordan.

Baptism  (October 5, 2011)

Family and Friends,
This week was good. We had that baptism from the sisters which the girl asked me to baptize her so it was awesome. Her name is ksusha. She is awesome, she use to be athiest and then found the book of mormon when we were chalk drawing and now she is a champ at the gosple. But The day of the baptism i had to go early and clean out the font and make sure everything was good. So we cleaned it out and everything was good but then we tried draining the dirty water and it wouldnt drain. we were freaking out and we didnt know what to do because we didnt want dirty water it was gross. So we said a prayer and still nothing. We didnt know what to do then sisters came and on suggested that we pray and we were like we already did then she does this thing with her hand and tells it to work and then it starts draining. We were blown away and didnt know what to think. But we were just happy the dirty water was gone. so we started filling it up and turns out that in our building we dont have hot water. so my comp elder hayes goes and finds all the pots and pans to start boiling water to pour into the font. Well the water was still way cold when we got in. it took my breath away and she said she had a hard time breathing when she came out of the water. Then that night we weent back home and i was exhausted, and i had no idea why? I had no energy and didnt want to do anything and all we did that day was the baptism and went out to eat and watched legacy with the girl. I was the most tired i have been on my mission that day. We were trying to figure out why i was so tired and we decided that i was exhausted from the spirit because that day was probably the most spiritual experience i have had in my life. It was a good day. Then I was able to be apart of giving her the gift of the holy ghost, it was the 2nd counselor and then the guy who gave her the holy ghost and then me and that was it. i think people were kind of blown away that i was baptising her and was part of that. but oh well. Everything else is going great here. i hope all of you are having a good week. i love you all
Love Jordan

Splat  (September 28, 2011)

Hello friends and Family,
This week has been great! to start off, we have been staying at the other elders apartment because ours a mess and we cant really sleep there. so whenever we come over to their apartment they always throw water balloons at us so we were there waiting for them to come for lunch and we decided to throw some at them. but we only had 2 balloons. so we both had one. but they decided they would just walk and dodge the ballloons, well that didnt work for them. my comp throws his and completely misses. and i am looking for the other guy and he is walking and is almost under a little part of the building, so i lobbed it (might i add we are 7 stories up) and it is falling and i was aiming just to hit right around him to get him wet. NOPE it hit him right dead on the head! it was such a perfect throw. it was so funny. 

 This Saturday there will be a baptism from the sisters in our district and i will be the one baptizing her. i am way excited for that. The girl is just the most perfect investigator ever. We havent had much luck with finding people but this week we have been doing alot of service so that is good too i guess. 

This past sunday i had to give a talk. it was on service. so as you all know me and know how i love to write papers and talks i waiting till the last minute to do it. so saturday night i was up late wrighting it. then sunday morning i translated it, with a little help. then i decided once i got to church i had a few scriptures i wanted to read. so i decided to call one of the other missionaries up and read it for me and to thank him for his service. everyone started laughing it was pretty funny. its alot harder to give a talk in a different language and trying to read what you wrote, so at times i waqs just winging it but everyone liked it. 

So that is the week and i hope all of you have a good week. i love you all.

Love Jordan 

Saturday, December 10, 2011

More Fun

Remont  (September 21, 2011)

 Hello everyone,
this week was a little crazy we have been dealing with alot of stuff this week. We are going to be doing a remodle in our apartment because we have the most ghetto apartment in the mission and alot of things are breaking or dont work so we have been having to deal with our landlady and making agreements with her and everything. So that has been a hassle and she has been cleaning out all of her stuff that she has in our apartment and she found an acordian which is from the war and she was just going to throw it away and i was like we will take that out later we dont have time right now. so when we got home that night i started playing it just for fun it was awesome. We had the other elders over for dinner on sunday and we had balloons at our apartment so we filled them up and when they were leaving we threw rthem off our balcony at them so it would land infront of them. it was so funny. they thought they were in war. it landed right infront of them so one turns back yelling and hides under our apartment. the other one was on the phone and he takes off running as fast as he could it was so funny. then the one that was hiding comes out laughing and sees us and takes off running too. it was way funny. we met this guy this last week he lives in the hospital and we go and read the book of mormon with him and he is awesome he is so thankful that we come to him and think of him. That is about everything for this week next saturday the sisters in our area will have a baptism and the girl asked me to baptise her so that will be awesome. everything else is good here. it is starting to get a little bit colder and it doesnt help that our windows let air seep in. so i wake up freezing in the mornings. hope everything is going good for everyone. i love you all
Love jordan

:)  (September 14, 2011)

Hello there friends and family,
I hope all of you are doing good. i am doing great here in russia. this last week not to much happened we had troubles finding meetings because everyone tells us to call them on the weekends and so when we call them they dont feel like meeting with us or they just dont answer their phones so that was a little frustrating. it mad alot of time for contacting which was ok. we had a culture night on friday so our district got together and made some russian food and watch some russian cartoons they were pretty funny i liked them alot. good thing i have them on dvd so we are good. it was fun to watch them and see how their cartoons are. transfers are this week and i will be staying with my comp and in the same area. so it will be my forth transfer in this same area. which i am fine with i like this area alot. it is a city outside of moscow called zelenograd. A few nights ago we were doing a split and so we all had to run home and get clothes to change for the next day and the other elders told us to were our fur hats to meet them. so we did and people gave us so many weird looks it was so awesome! Everything is going great here and i hope everything is going great for everyone. i love you and thank you for everythng you all do.
Love Jordan

Day of the City  (September 7, 2011)

Hello There friends and family,
I hope all of you are doing good. this week was pretty crazy. so on sunday it was a holiday, day of the city. it was a huge deal up in the city i am in. It was way sweet though. so that day we were able to do that puppet show thing that we do at this like fair thing. it was way sweet. i didnt think it was going to be that good because there was so much awesome stuff going on and who would want to stand around and watch us do a puppet show about drugs and alcohol. but it turned out really good i was really surprised. we had alot of people sitting and watching and alot of kids were loving it. At the fair there was breakdancers and i wish i knew how to break dance. i want to learn so bad. i want to find someone who knows how to do it and have them teach me.  I also bought some more of those big fury hats that people were here. i bought 2 more because i got a really good price on them. i got 2 wolf fur ones. one is all wolf fur and the other has leather on the top and fur on the front, ears and back. Its way sweet i am so excited to wear all of these in the winter. on sunday we had a person from the 70 come and speak in our ward and our area president. it was a really good meeting. probably because it was somewhat in english and i understood it fully haha. I had to translate for some of it but i realized translating is so hard for me. because russian makes sence in my head (somewhat) and its hard for me to translate things into english. because i learn russian like i look at something and know what it is in russian, i dont learn the translation so it is hard for me. but it was good. 
Another awesome thing was there is this 7 year old girl here in my branch, she is my favorite little girl. But i talk to her alder sister and she said that her little sister said that i am her favorite haha. well she came up to me on sunday and asked me if i would baptise her. i wish i could baptise her, but her dad is kindof the 2nd counselor so it would be way messed up if i did baptise her haha. and she draws me little pictures and gives them to me. so wrote me a note saying she wants to serve a mission in america. she is awesome. Also i gave another russian blessing to this old grandma. it was funny the sisters called us and was like can you come give a blessing. and we were like sure. so we went over there but the sisters werent there and i say so you need a blessing is that right? she was like yeah. ok what is it for? for health. and then i was like ok we can do that. and she was like do you need bread and water? and i was confused i said no, unless you need the sacrament and she said no. and so she was like so you dont need bread and water and we say no. it was way funny. that is my week hope all of you are having a good week. i love you all
Love Jordan 

World famous in Russia (August 31, 2011)

Hello there friends and family,
So this week not to much happened, we found some new people to teach they are really nice. when we first met them we asked if we could help them in anyway and they said get us a million dollars. so this time we met with them i asked them if they got their million dollars and they said no, then they asked if we needed money and they were going to give us money. it was funny. So i think i said last week that we did the puppet show to help people know that smoking and drinking is bad. so we gave some pictures to our bishop and he put them online and now there is a story of us on the russian lds site. its we are front page news haha we thought that was kindof cool. We have been having a little more succuss with our new investigators and the ones we have been teaching and we are hoping that we can get them baptised soon so we will have to see. otherwise everything else is going good and we are having fun doing everything. hope everything is going good at home. i love you are and thank you for everything you do for me.
Love Jordan

Don't Smoke  (August 25, 2011)

Dear Friends and Family,
Hope all of you are doing good. This week not to much exciting happend but we got to do service. and the service we did was a puppet show. The puppet show was to tell kids not to drink and smoke and what it does to you. We did it infront of a store and people would just walk by and watch if they wanted. It got so tiring to just sit there for about an hour and have your hands up holding up puppets and moving them around. it was alot of fun though. we had some guy walk by start yelling at us saying what we were doing was wrong. but he was talking about us being missionaries, but we didnt have our tags on for that reason. then we watched this family stay and watch us perform the show and we are talking about how smoking is bad and everything, and it hurts kids, then right after the show finishes she lights one up right infront of us and her baby in a stroller. Then one missionary was like she really understood what she just watched. That was the biggest highlight of our week. we have been trying to find more meetings to just help our russian. its been hard at times because we both arent the best at russian so when he doesnt know what is going on he looks to me and i should know what is going on haha. it has been helping alot though, i have been having to make phone calls and talk to people. So hopefully russian comes along quicker. Yesterday me and hayes. . . my comp. . . almost set a baptismal date with this guy but he just wanted to listen to his nephews band so it was just not the best enviornment so we are hoping he comes to church and we can ask him then. well i hope everything is going great for everyone. i love you all.
Love Jordan

Worms?! (August 17, 2011)

Hello there friends and family,
this week was a good week, a few crazy things happened but it has been alot of fun. but here is a story for you. so yesterday us four elders in this area got invited over to this grandmas place for lunch. so we all go over there and she plays the guitar and is this old lady that just loves everything. so we go over there and ask her how she is doing and she talks for 30 minutes haha we just sat there. thene she was like ok lets eat i went and got some fresh food because i knew you would be coming. so it was just bread and salami which wasnt bad. then we had some tea and then here comes the good part. she brings out these candies and was like these are my favorites i bought them 2 days ago. so i take one and eat it, my comp takes one and eats it and then one of the other elders opens his up and a little worm crawls out of it and it just crawling on it, and he shows it to all of us, the greenie in our area startes freaking out. i just start laughing way hard, my comp is laughing which just makes me laugh harder, then the greenie starts laughing because we are laughing and he starts crying because he is laughing so hard. i felt like i was going to throw up because i am trying to hold back my laughing, i am sitting there squeeking and trying not to make noises. i couldnt elp it though, it was so funny. luckly the lady has a hard time hearing and was to deep in telling a story to palmer ( the kid with the worm candy) and he just sat there and listened to her while we are all crying and laughing so hard. then she goes to grab a picture and the greenie is like where is the worm and i just starting looking around and am like ah its by your leg its on you and he about wet himself haha then i start laughing harder and you all know me that when i laugh i cant just stop i just keep laughing. i was laughing for about an hour at this meeting. oh man then we called the doctor and like what do we do if we ate worms? he was like drink some coke. so we went and found a cold coke. and downed it. then last night we both felt so sick we dont know what it is if it is worms or not. so yeah who knows if i got worms or not i might be getting the bomb pill where it just cleans you out.  That is probably the highlight of the week everything else is going good i am having to speak alot more russian which is helping alot. hope all of you are doing good.
Love you

I killed a Spider (August 11, 2011)

Hello there friends and family, i hope you had a good week!! i had a pretty crazy week. so we had transfers last thursday and i am staying in the same area and am with a new companion, his name is elder cody hayes. He is awesome me and him are alike in alot of ways so we have been having alot of fun even though we havent been together that much this week. So transfers were on thursday, on friday he had to go to moscow to stay the night because he had his visa trip on saturday, then he got back to our town during church then sunday we had a meeting with the stake president and after that we all went down to moscow together because I had a visa trip on tuesday but Elder goddard had an investigator that he wanted me to meet. so we decided to make a split and i was with goddard and wininger, my mtc group. it was so much fun!! i miss them and i want to serve with them. but it was fun being with them for a couple days. Then we went to kiev on tuesday and on the plane goddard was sitting next to these 2 girls who were on the tv show survivor. it was way funny, because they lost and they were on their way home. then we were going to the temple in kiev but traffic was way bad and we missed the session so we were able to baptisms and confermations, but the sweet thing was that goddard wininger and i all got to do everything ourselves so wininger confermed and baptised me i confermed and baptised goddard and goddard did wininger. but what was even more sweet is that we got to do it all in russian! it was so much fun. And when i was in the water i just wanted to swim and stay in the water and not get out. it was a way good experience. then we went and walked around the center of kiev a little bit and that was cool to just walk around. Everything is coming along with russian now that i have to do verything and i havent really had to do much speaking in russian. but now he turns to me when he doesnt understand and i need to know what they are saying. so i am excited to work with him. it will be alot of fun. Well I hope all of you have a good week i love you
Love Jordan

Crazy Week (July 27, 2011)

Hello there friends and family, i hope all of you had a great week. so this week was just all over the place. we had to go into moscow alot and that took up like all of our money going back and forth from moscow to our town and then to moscow and having to buy metro tickets and doing all that kind of stuff and its not over we have to go to moscow 2 or 3 more times this next week but transfers are next week so who knows maybe i will be sent back into moscow and i wont have to do all this traveling. But i was also on some splits for half the week to. since my comp is district leader he has to go on a split with the other elders once a transfer so i went with a kid who is about to finish his mission next week. we had alot of fun. we were talking to this one investigator and he was just making excuses about everything we say and the arguement was getting intense because he wouldnt let us speak and would make up dumb metaphores that had no relevance and what not so we were just ok we are done, everyone is getting a little to heated so we had to stop talking about gosple stuff. Then something awesome, when i went on a different split we had to stay at their house and i slept on a pull-out chair! yes chair not a couch a chair. its wasnt comfortable but i just thought it was cool. So on a different split i was in the international branch so its all the africans that speak english. these black people are so awesome i love them. they are so amazing because they take in everything and at the end of one meeting this guy just started sharing his testimony and telling us how thankful he is for us saving him and making his life have meening again it was so awesome. it is way hot here and it is hard not to go swimming. everyone just walks around in like swim suits or with their shirts off and alot of people just go swimming where ever they want. it is so tempting to go just jump in and tell my comp that i slipped because i want to cool off haha. well i hope all of you have a good week.
Love Jordan

Lock Down (July 20, 2011)

Hello there family and friends,
So last week i forgot to tell you all about what happened and thats pretty much why i titled it psycho but whatever. so last week during study we got a call for the other elders in our district saying they are heading out of our area becasue they were told to leave. Well here is why. There was a car bombing right next to their apartment! the elders got it on film and so they were telling us about it and we were like why are only you guys leaving we live 20 mins away. so then we were told to stay inside all day. so thats what we did until we needed to go to moscow. I stayed inside and played chess for 4 hours. it was pretty boring. and it was way hard to study after they told us there was a bomb but eh. but everything was ok and no body was hurt. crazy things just happen. I had a drunk guy grab my shirt where my tag is and so i had to shove him away from me and then when i walked away he looked at me and gave me the thumbs up. pretty funny. well it is way hot here now in the good ole russia and very humid. we walk outside and we are already sweating. in the morning we take cold showers because we were sweating all night. well the work is tough but thats how it should be. and everything is going good. i hope all of you are doing good and are safe i love you all.
Love Jordan